Account Setup
First, it is helpful to understand the different account types available (opens in a new tab).
For nearly everyone, you'll need to become a Certified User. Access your account via the icon at the bottom left, so: Account profile > Account Settings > Certification panel. Click on link to start the quiz. You should pass the quiz and receive a green certified badge. This is needed for data download/upload.
After the above steps, please inform the DCC so that a team-specific invitation can be sent to you.
To join a team, you must accept the invitation by clicking on the link provided in the email and following the instructions on the Synapse team page.
(For designated data uploaders with high-throughput data) You should also generate a Personal Access Token if you are designated to upload large amounts of data via the Synapse API (e.g. raw sequencing data). Do so via Account profile > Account Settings > Personal Access Tokens > Create new token.